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what the eff: JURY DUTY (for me!)

i’m conflicted about the whole JURY DUTY thing. part of me is excited to be on a JURY, like in movies. i imagine a lawyer giving his best defense to us as we think deeply about ‘the case’. then another part of me is like “snap out of it!”, i mean who am i to judge someone else in a situation i didn’t witness? that is so tricky and unappealing.

have you guys had this before? any advice? eeeeeek!

may have to pull a LIZ LEMON:


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  • all you gotta do is say that you're moving to a different county or have already moved. 9/10 times you won't have to prove this. if they ask for proof, say you haven't updated your mailing address yet and some of the mail still goes to your "parents house" i.e. your current residence.

  • Pray....hard....

    i wasnt into the whole idea of serving on a jury myself...i was so desperate that i was going to use my age as a factor and say that since i was so young i didnt know much about the world and would be uncapable of making an appropriate and fair decision...but dumbing myself down would be a big fat lie so i decided to pray about it lol

    i ended up having to stay the whole day but i was dismissed =]

    ♥ Taylor

  • I guess jury duty is jury duty, not sure about NYC, court system is pretty large. But I can share my experience in Philly.

    The first time I was called into jury duty, I was excused because I was in college. The second time I wanted to get picked because I was unemployed and could have used a couple of dollars, but wasn't picked. Last time, its what sleezy trees said except I really did move into another county.

    Usually you're asked questions and you have to raise your hand for a response. They'll ask if you need to be excused and your reason. One time, one of the jurors knew the defendant, so that's a great one. Chances are you may get a civil case rather than criminal. Sometimes you report for jury duty and never get called and sit in the room all day or you get called early and get sent back to wait again. Its quite an experience. The best time I had was when my group was called first and we got sent back to collect our check. I was out by 11am. That's very rare though.

  • Hey ii recently had jury duty and it was so lame... In NY its a little weird because there are 3 different bulidings you report to so double check and b sure to go to the right buliding... anywho iit was pretty boring and i had to be there 2 days but didnt even get called... you sit in the huge room (if u can find an empty seat)with about 80-100 peepz and they call a few people early on in the morning then they give you a 2 hour break (pointless u my as well just take a nap or bring ur Nintendo DS liike i did lol) after the break if ur lucky they'll let u leave super early but that only if ur VERY LUCKY as ii was lol but look on the briight siide they dont bother you for a few years....


  • I've never done jury duty, but i'm sure there's a way to get out of it, if you really don't want to do it....if you can't get out, just use your best judgment.. :-)

  • Tina Fey is the realest!!

    loving you all the way from Singapore but reppin' Brunei to death! Whattup Hot Roti!

  • What up Va$htie...jury duty is cool depending on the case...if its a homicide case or a law suite the best way to get out of it is to cry during the questioning or just don't pay attention act like you got something better to do twurl your hair or keep coughin or sneezing like you got the sniffles lol but find out what kinda of case it is first they just might not pick you becasue you black....jala....ima be at station 2day on 1st ave 8-10 come thru Mr. Len from Company Flow is gonna be there or just tune in...peace luv -]-`

  • it's an experience though, i reckon it's worth doing. it might teach you something new, plus it would be pretty cool to look back on and be like 'yeah i did that' haha.

    (oh & btw i'm not the same T named person who has just previously commented on this post, i'm the one who regularly comments lol. i'll start writing my full name to avoid confusion) - tanya xx

  • vashtie big fanof ur work homie .... ight but heres hoe the conartist do it lol depending on the case presented they still have to select you to be on the case when they present the case depending on the details say it happend close to ur neighborhood and u heard about it on the street or that u read it in the paper they will not select you due to prior knowledge of the case..... enjoy leaveing jury duty hella early son

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