WATCH: Vashtie’s Showtime Show 3AM Episode Guide – Talks Tough Childhood, Breakups, Love & More!

Have you guys been watching my SHOWTIME SHOW 3AM?! Oh wow, it is such a wild ride. Between Internet Sensation Fat Jew, Slutty Photographer Kirill, Door Man Markus, Escort Samantha and Me…it’s extremely entertaining!

In case you missed you…

I debuted on EPISODE 2…where I confront a childhood of domestic abuse in therapy! How’s that for an introduction! Exposing myself more than I ever have. Then I head to my Puma Collaboration Photoshoot, followed by DJ’ing at Webster Hall. I end the night with a great phone call from my management as I arrive home from a long day – then, I feed Vlad and work on some more projects.

I re-appear on EPISODE 4…where I debut my Puma collection through my very first Fashion Show. The night is stressful as is, but it’s even more anxiety-ridden because I invite my ex-boyfriend Scott to see it. Um, for my blog readers…it’s Scott…as in Young Scoozle. Yeah, 7.5 years and I kept it a secret from the public…even from you guys! Some of you commented via Snapchat and Twitter being in such shock that you had no idea this whole time.

Last show was EPISODE 5…I head out for a night with the girls; Elle Clay, Corinne Cater and Sabel Boo. We talk about love and relationships (both of which I’m not ready to get back into) then the girls give me a hard time that only young boys seems to gravitate towards me. Elle pops in at the right time for some advice, offering the suggestion that I need a “FREELANCE BOO”. Someone who is available, with no obligations. It’s quite funny. Then, I end up having one on one time with a handsome admirer friend – Ian Mellencamp.

Next up is EPISODE 6…the second to last episode. I head home to “confront my past” as the Network titled it. I go to Albany to hang out with my white boy crew and let loose, reminiscing on old memories.

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