
FLASHBACK: Directing Jadakiss’ “Letter To Big” Video in 2009

It was all a dream. In 2009, I had the honor of directing a video for the Notorious soundtrack. Biggie has been a huge…

8 years ago
LIFE: DJ’ing at Howard Homecoming & DJ’ing for Puff at #RMC2014 – Travi$ Scott, Jermaine Dupri, Cassie & More (10.2014)LIFE: DJ’ing at Howard Homecoming & DJ’ing for Puff at #RMC2014 – Travi$ Scott, Jermaine Dupri, Cassie & More (10.2014)

LIFE: DJ’ing at Howard Homecoming & DJ’ing for Puff at #RMC2014 – Travi$ Scott, Jermaine Dupri, Cassie & More (10.2014)

I was super stoked to DJ for Howard's Homecoming Fashion Show, especially since I went to Art School and the…

10 years ago
party pics: 1/23 OPEN at SANTOS with Q TIP, ME and RICH MEDINA!party pics: 1/23 OPEN at SANTOS with Q TIP, ME and RICH MEDINA!

party pics: 1/23 OPEN at SANTOS with Q TIP, ME and RICH MEDINA!

although, i was feeling better that day...i shouldn't have gone out. SANTOS was packed more than normal. wasn't sure if…

16 years ago
Q TIP release / ELECTION party 11/4…Q TIP release / ELECTION party 11/4…

Q TIP release / ELECTION party 11/4…

a few weeks ago, Q TIP asked me to help with his release party (RENAISSANCE, go cop that) and Election…

16 years ago