kanye west

Wellness: 11 Ways to Support Someone During Mania via IBPF.Org

Whether you like him or not, the recent Twitter events from one of our most beloved artists has left us…

5 years ago

THROWBACK: In 2010 I became The First Woman To Design a Jordan

I can't believe how much time is flying! It's been 10 whole years since I became the first woman (and…

5 years ago

CULTURE: Vashtie’s “This Machine Kills Racism” Mixtape

Shocked. Disillusioned. Heartbroken. Angry. Disgusted. I've been feeling this way for a while now, but, the incidents that surfaced in…

9 years ago

life: a case of BIRTHDAY CAKE imitating BIRTHDAY CAKE…

last night was a super small and intimate gathering of folks to celebrate KANYE'S BIRTHDAY in NEW YORK CITY. it…

16 years ago

inspired: “Heartless” and Waking Life

KANYE once again makes a great video via HYPE. although, "Heartless" looks like it was inspired by "Waking Life" (2001),…

16 years ago

808’s and Heartbreak…

go cop that. i'm really digging it. it's about time the mold is broken. it features your favorite friend, KID…

16 years ago