Jack’s Wife Freda

Shop & Support My Favorites For #SmallBusinessSaturday

As much as I like a consistent chain store, I absolutely love small businesses more. You know, your "mom and pop",…

8 years ago

INTERVIEW: Vashtie On The June Cover of TRENDING NY – On Stands Now!

When Trending NY reached out a few weeks back asking me to grace their cover with a double 4 page spread,…

10 years ago

LIFE: Birthday Dinner at Jack’s Wife Freda with Int’l Friends; Black Rainbow, Alex Sossah, Jonny Shipes & More! (5.9.14)

So, yes...my birthday was April 23rd and no...I'm not one of those people that makes their birthday a month long…

11 years ago

LIFE: New York Knick Watching, Jack’s Wife Freda & Snow in April (4.15.14)

When The Knicks are good...they are on fire. I don't have much to say when they are not on fire,…

11 years ago