
party pics: 4/17 OPEN party with Q-TIP, VA$HTIE and RICH MEDINA at SANTOS…special guests CONSEQUENCE, DRAKE, QUEST LOVE and BEVERLY BOND!party pics: 4/17 OPEN party with Q-TIP, VA$HTIE and RICH MEDINA at SANTOS…special guests CONSEQUENCE, DRAKE, QUEST LOVE and BEVERLY BOND!

party pics: 4/17 OPEN party with Q-TIP, VA$HTIE and RICH MEDINA at SANTOS…special guests CONSEQUENCE, DRAKE, QUEST LOVE and BEVERLY BOND!

another friday night at THE OPEN PARTY with me, Q TIP and RICH MEDINA. we had quest DJ's RASHAD and…

16 years ago

remix: Q TIP/ “We Fight We Love” feat. KANYE and CONSEQUENCE

so, TIP hits me and asks if i heard my name on his super dope brand new remix. i hadn't,…

16 years ago