STYLE: A Vacation State of Mind with Kate Spade New York

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As a New Yorker, it’s pretty much second nature to always be on the move and stay on our grind. Sometimes I get so caught up in work that I forget to even take time to breathe, much less go on a vacation. I’m fortunate enough to have work that enables me to travel around the world, but when it comes to taking a vacation, packing up and traveling to a different destination can sometimes be difficult.

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Luckily, I live in the greatest city in world, New York! There are tons of little local places to unwind and relax without having to hop on a plane which really makes vacationing a state of mind. That’s one of the reasons why I love Kate Spade New York’s new summer collection. The clothes  are comfy enough for leisure and get you in a staycation mindset but still stylish enough to run around the city. Peep my staycation looks below!

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Processed with VSCO with m6 preset

Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

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