Categories: BLOGLIFE

SPECIAL DELIVERY: Blackberry Q10 – My Lifelong Love Of Pressing Buttons Is Satisfied!

Me in 2007 holding my favorite toy…a Blackberry.

I have been like coo coo for Cocoa Puffs over gadgets for as long as I can remember! Cameras, Cell Phones, Scanners…you name it. If it’s got great design and solid function, best believe I have internet stalked its photos and its reviews.

Trying to stay organized in 2013 is an everyday struggle for me and I can imagine for anyone else out there. You have to juggle social media, emails, texts, phone calls, iCal, notes, work, and then life. It’s no easy task, so I find that  having all the necessary weaponry is a must.

 Peep the 2 Blackberry’s when I worked at Def Jam

I’ve had a second phone like for some time now linked to a Blackberry, so that when I do more on the go freelance work – I can send emails like all other Industry Adults (iPhone for fun and Blackberry for work is pretty much the industry standard these days).


Miami Beach 2007

When the Blackberry Q10 released, my friends at The Participation Agency gifted it to me. I couldn’t wait to caress my fingertips along it’s curvaceous buttons! I’m like a toddler, I mean – who doesn’t love to press a button?! The latest Blackberry Q10 quenches all your fun and business needs…although, I’m not sure I can ever part ways with my iPhone, she’s just been too good to me!


This smartphone is everything you want and need in life. I absolutely love it’s functionality and its beautiful design.

Thank You Blackberry!!!


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  • You've mentioned one of your favorite quotes in numerous interviews, "success is not a destination.. its a journey. " Your hustle truly does inspire me.. how do you stay so motivated, especially in a field that can be so tough on the self-esteem? What specific idea pushes you? I've always been that kid who lacked motivation because of my issues with self esteem and it's so unfulfilling. I know this isn't an advice column, but please.. do give advice lol.

  • 【总吃汁、糊状食物,孩子不会嚼东西了】女孩雨涵(化名)24个月大,家住长春市绿园区,ダンヒル 激安。掐指算算,上幼儿园有一周了。可在小小班里,她还是老师特殊照顾的对象。为啥有这“待遇”,那得从她入园第一天的表现说起。宝宝第一天入园,哭闹难免。雨涵还不错,哼唧一会儿,プラダ ポーチ,就融入了小朋友堆里。午餐时间,大家兴致十足,可她的情绪却来个180度大转变。桌上好吃的,她一口不动。坐在那,眼巴巴地盯着。沉默没多久,大颗大颗的泪水往下落,哭了。“宝宝怎么啦?快看小朋友们吃得多香啊!”老师过来喂,切成细丝、小块的蔬菜、水果,入口没一会儿,就被吐出来。老师再喂,她还是吐。反复喂过几次,老师发现,被她吐出的食物,基本没有被咀嚼过的痕迹。上面的牙印儿齐整,都是门牙留下的。老师发现,她可能还不会嚼东西!给家长打电话,雨涵的妈妈挺惊讶。老师询问得知,孩子平时的吃食特精细,不是榨成汁,就是搅成糊。妈妈说,是为了宝宝更好地吸收。对于孩子不会嚼东西,他们都不知道。意识到问题的严重性,妈妈有些害怕了。老师安慰她别上火,一起帮孩子恢复咀嚼功能。于是计划,幼儿园的伙食精细些,家里的饭菜粗糙点儿,让孩子慢慢适应用牙齿咀嚼食物的乐趣。一周锻炼下来,雨涵虽还是被特殊照顾的对象,但面对丝、块状食物已不打怵了。老师、家长联手,孩子转型挺成功。入园前的自理能力训练【让孩子喜欢幼儿园,家长要懂得放手】长春市某幼儿园园长孙丽明支招,帮宝宝成功迈出入园第一步,家长必做几项功课。入园前,家长要让老师对宝宝有个全面了解。做到这一点,提前沟通很重要。宝宝喜欢吃什么、不喜欢吃什么、不能吃什么、睡觉时有什么习惯、哭鼻子时怎么劝最有效……交待得越细致越好。2岁~3岁的宝宝,自我意识很强。在他们的字典里,只有“我的”,没有“你的”。家长可以让孩子有这样的观念:宝宝上幼儿园,跟老师和小朋友们玩儿,让孩子发自内心地喜欢幼儿园,建立归属感,是对孩子最大的鼓励。到了入园年龄,孩子脱离家人,融入新的集体生活和学习,是他们成长过程中必须经历的一个阶段。家长除了懂得放手,要对幼儿园有绝对的信任,更要有坚持的信念。不要因为宝宝一时不适应,就有退园的想法。成年人换了新环境,都要有一段适应期,更何况是宝宝了,ボッテガヴェネタ バッグ。一定要给他们和老师一个培养感情的时间,这是对宝宝的信任,也是对老师的尊重。【入园前的自理能力训练】在家中,エーディーエムジェイ,有固定的人看护宝宝,宝宝的生活被照顾得无微不至。在入园前的几个月里,就要放一放手,让宝宝学学生活自理了。1.学习自己吃饭幼儿园老师虽然会在刚入园时喂宝宝,但毕竟孩子多,老师少,有照顾不到的地方,宝宝就要自己学会自己吃饭,并要吃饱。2.学会自己穿衣服在入园前,家长就要训练宝宝自己解扣子,扣扣子的能力,因为学校孩子多,老师少,如果宝宝自己不会穿衣服,只能等老师来穿,很容易受凉。3.学习自己喝水用水杯喝水对宝宝来说有一定难度,家长就要为宝宝准备一个塑料杯,里面倒上一水,宝宝渴了的时候,就让他用杯子喝。4.学会大小便一般一岁半以后,宝宝就可以训练大小便了。为了让宝宝尽快学会控制大小便,有大小便及时通知大人,家长在看护宝宝时,要了解宝宝吃了什么,吃了多少,プリマクラッセ 時計。另外,家长在家中也要养成宝宝定时大便的习惯。6.培养作息习惯在幼儿园里,上学放学都有一定的时间,因此,父母要逐渐使宝宝在家的作息和幼儿园的一致,宝宝进入幼儿园后才不至于感到不适应。7.社交能力培养进入幼儿园,就进入了一个小社会,有些孩子认生、胆小,父母就要多加注意,培养宝宝的社交能力。8.语言能力的培养在幼儿园,宝宝如果宝宝语言表达能力差,对宝宝来说是非常苦恼的事情。因此家长要多和宝宝说话,鼓励宝宝讲出自己的想法。尽管家长已经猜到宝宝想要什么,想做什么,也要鼓励宝宝说出来。平时也要和宝宝多说话,让他听得懂成人的话。 相关的主题文章: 23282 15169 28236 21606 如今更愿意安静地在这座深山里于去年2月份

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