friday night i went with KUNLE and ARTHUR to the SNEAKER PIMPS event. they’re always so well put together
anyways…Kunle was doing “LIVE STREET ART” (haha, that sounds so stupid). COPE 2 was to the right of him and LADY PINK to the left.
*living legend LADY PINK!
*Kunle and WAK.
we walked around a bit and came back to his piece that some kids had tagged all over. they were so bright they decided to hang out and trash the sneaker pimp displays, tagging all over the walls and ceiling. bless their little hearts. Kunle grabbed one of them and asked nicely why they would do such a thing. one of the other kids decided get in Kunle’s face and let him know that “he didn’t have to ask” and…WAMP WAMP! poor Kunle didn’t want to do it, but had no other choice but to snuff them both.
he later said…”i didn’t want to do that. it’s like the karate kid…they made me use my powers”.
you don’t know how bad i wanted to take pictures so i could share with my riottt peeps, but my camera was dead. the pictures you see are from KK”s camera
*** check out KUNLE at ***