RANDOM: I’m Playing In a Nike Flag Football League #NikeFootballSociety

Yeah, you heard me right…for my regular blog readers who know me and know how non-athletic I am, I’m sure you’re laughing. But, here is the photo to prove it!



When I got the text from NIGEL SYLVESTER asking if I play FLAG FOOTBALL, I answered honestly…

“I’ve never played a sport in my life, but I’m game to try anything”.

He told me Nike gave him a Flag Football Team and asked if I would play. I said “of course”, but somehow I thought it would be one game. You can imagine how shocked I was at initiation to learn that it was, in fact, a league.

Anyways, I signed up and although I’m afraid of really doing anything new and out of my league (no pun intended) – I’m sort of stoked on experiencing this.

As always, Nike came correct. They set us up with Nike Plus sneakers, workout gear, cleats, uniforms and duffle bags! We even had a combine, which is something strenuous and exhausting…you can look it up if you don’t know what it is (I’m exhausted just remembering the name!).

Our team is JAMAICA DIAMOND TURF and you can find out more on how to support your athletically challenged friend named Vashtie at


ELLE CLAY is on my team! This was taken after our first win!!!

This was taken before our second game that we..ahem…also won.

Posted in BLOG


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