Categories: BLOG

RANDOM: Anyone Check This Thing Anymore? *Tapping Microphone


I won’t ignore the elephant in the room any longer!

I know it…

You don’t even have to say it…

My posts have become less abundant.

Fine. There – I said it…now I can exhale.

Other than being busy and working 4-5 jobs (no lie) like a good West Indian – It feels as though this has happened because of 2 reasons (that weirdly coincide).

1. It seemed like more and more people were RAPIDLY following me on INSTAGRAM and less were checking my BLOG.

2. I subconsciously started posting less since on my BLOG and more on INSTAGRAM since it quenched an immediate and mass share in social.

Oy vey.

So – my question to you 3 people who are still reading this. Should I be posting more? Is there a demand? Or should I shut this blog down? Hahaha, just kidding – that won’t happen. I guess I’m just seeing if you guys check this still. If so, how often? Is there something you want to see more of or less of? Is there a way to connect my socials and blog cohesively? I’m thinking about an app, what ya’ll think? Let me know, yo!






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  • Love from the UK. I still read your blog and I would love to see more. A blog is more than a picture.

    Well I hope you do continue with the blog!!!!!

    Peace and Love


  • I'd beg you not to ever stop blogging but you already said that wouldn't happen. So, as much as you can, we'd appreciate! And I'm sure everyone (including your new followers) would DL your app! Can't wait. Xo

  • All you need to do is get a minmal theme with some plugins that supports a portal. It would get all your stuff posted all over, in one spot.That way you don't have to post everything 80 times. And if you don't do a "blog post" it will still be updated from all the other crap...I want stuff.

    Just update the blog theme part of the site cause the main site is still nice. Less work that looks like a lot of work.

    The app would pretty much do the same thing. Gather all ur post into a portal.

  • I'm still here! Just don't comment that much anymore. IG could never compare to your blog. Here we get your thoughts plus pics that make us feel like we were there. I think people who read the blog are more into you as an artist. Where as the IG followers it's more about celebrity. If I had to pick what I'd like to see more of I'd say the post about your friends. Like you guys getting a zipcar, getting doubles and going to the beach. Or the rooftop 4th of July bbq in Brooklyn. It doesn't always have to be about events. I love the post where you and Elle are just being boring and goofy with Vladamir.

  • Va$htie, if you ever deleted this blog I would literally set a stop sign on fire! (okay, maybe not, but still!) You blog is my own personal perspective of Urban life in NYC, & I cherish it all the way down here in New Orleans. If anything, bring Vashtie TV back, post more of the peculiar foods you love (I'm sorry boo, but that Vegan ice cream you had Elle eatin' got multiple side-eye's from me) & keep showcasing your favorite song, even the classic Depeche Mode's! We are all STILL here!

    girl, it's about that time you followed me on Instagram! I painted a portrait of you that you even liked so we're basically homies now, lol! @jacqpierrefrancois

  • love the blog i follower u on insta and here, but i love the blog for more details, plse blog moreeeeeee, i comment less but still here for sure xxx

  • you always have a camera so just post pics of things you've photographed on Instagram and then do blog posts here. They can just stay separate and not need to share content.

    blog is dope, keep it up.

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