back again at my weekly jumpoff at SANTOS, the OPEN party was live and direct. special birthday shoutout to JAMES VIRAG at SANTOS!!!
*CHAMPY BOTTLES makes us act a fool…like rap videos circa ’99.
*earlier i had a meeting with CHIKE and DAME DASH and “STANKY CHAMBRAY” (as ELLE calls my shirt) had the ill pitstains from sweat…so, i gave it a night off. i know, i know…TMI.
*H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y J A M E S ! ! !
*it’s funny having a table at a club and then people post up with their backsides all up in your face. you just have to make the most of your surroundings…
*my LONDON homies were in town. i’ll be there for an art show that i’m part of at the top of OCTOBER, more news to come.
*this pin says ” NEVER FORGIVE”. it’s pretty ill, you can interpret it as you want.
*KOOL HERC! goodness gracious. i was all giggles when i saw him. he’s such a legend. it’s like seeing HE-MAN come to life or something.
*CHIKE and COODIE…COODIE and CHIKE (directors).
*SABEL and DEEMEHLOW, doing the bogle.
*this big guy was all tuckered out…