Categories: LIFE


thursday night was a SUCCESS! i arrived at 9, after a fun fitting with KARL JUSTIN. we ate RAW CUISINE and caught up on some good jokes. the scene was as expected, fun and laid back…good food and drinks! i, of course, had nothing…as i was meeting and greeting all night.

it was good to see familiar faces and meet more! i held it down with your requests…except for new RAEKWON and JAY-Z, because i didn’t have it (but DIANA ROSS, SLUM VILLAGE and more of your requests were pumping!!!).

*RAW FOOD from QUINTESSENCE in NEW YORK CITY. it’s amazing. i know, raw food sounds not so appetizing…but, i promise it’s very good. KARL and i chowed down…

*GREY ANT sent me some blazing pieces! i wish i could keep them all!!!

*MILLION DOLLAR MANO & HOLLYWOOD HOLT came out as soon as they landed! they are such great homies!!!

i rocked a skirt from NOMIA, tank from H&M (fancy, right?), gladiator sandals and custom hoody (with embroidery and carbon fiber additions) from NIKE, bag by BALENCIAGA (or as RAUL says “AGA”)

*J BURKE. you can find him at the NIKE 255 store, where i got this custom piece made in 30 minutes!!!


*custom making in the making…um, yeah.

*KAREEM!!! super producer…film, not music 🙂

*these guys might be my favoritest couple EVER! and they had a little one! awww

*MANO! where’s DREA?!

*i’m in love with these gladiators…they’re perfect!



*OSCAR – OSCLOPS! (follow him on twitter)

*did i mention the CARBON FIBER detailing? just in case i want to be faster while walking, i can be with this.


*the homies! peep ANGELO BAQUE’S blog


the streets was like (what i imagine) spring break is like…mad heads walking around from party to party, intoxicated and overdressed or underdressed for the evening. it was very cool actually. every store was open and it was like adult trick or treating…looking at clothing you can’t afford and mingling with friends, while receiving little treats at every establishment.

i walked by BATHING APE earlier and peeped this insane line for KID CUDI! it was only 3pm and he already had a line. kudos! CUDI used to work at the store and was the guest of honor with his very own character on a tee-shirt!!! i think thats so great.


…& NITE” (hahaha)



on our way to OPENING CEREMONY for the’re highly anticipated BLOCK PARTY. i think the cops broke it down, but it didn’t stop the party inside. thank goodness that my homies were apart of the event and let us in…otherwise, it would have been NO BUENO.



by the end of this party i was exhausted…but, we stopped at the PRADA store that had THE RAPTURE performing LIVE!!!

*it was so packed, i couldn’t take it…so OSCAR and I had fun with the mannequins.


ok, at about 10pm something i was exhausted…but, i had to do a wardrobe change into a super cute GREY ANT frock and attend the BMI afterparty. KARL and i decided it would be totally ME to wear my biker boots and motorcycle jacket. i own some great heels, but i have the grace of a caveman when i walk in them 🙁

*this photo didn’t even capture how amazing this dress is…

*the BMI party was at M2, MANSION…for some reason, there’s always super ridiculous things happening at that venue.

*ELLE and BEN fiercely typing.

*unlike wearing white, pinstripe bikini’s after LABOR DAY is acceptable.

*i’m just more comfortable like this.

*the legendary BRYAN MICHAEL COX…he told me he reads my blog and i got giggley. WOW. he’s an ill song writer and producer!

*KERI HILSON. shoutout to JOHNNY NUNEZ for introducing us. she’s super sleek and tall, like a runway model. while we were talking about videos, i blanked out and said, “i’m sorry i just feel like a midget right now and can’t think”.



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