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party pics: 5/8 OPEN party with ME, QTIP and RICH MEDINA – special guests CHESTER FRENCH, LUPE FIASCO, BEVY SMITH, LIYA KEBEDE!!

friday am i got back from ATL, took a nap, wrote a treatment (missing LOIC and ELIZABETHS engagement soiree 🙁 ) and headed out to SANTOS for my friday night par-tay.

the crowd was looking back to normal, a mix of all kinds of people who are interested in only good music. previously DIDDY had come through and twitter, or tweeted or twa-something about our party — which brought out some cool folks but also the wrong kind of folks who didn’t care about fun or good music, but rather being seen and seeing others.

anyways…as apart of our new addition to the party “PIZZA and PERFORMANCE”, we had CHESTER FRENCH perform. LUPE rolled through, also BEVY SMITH with LIYA KEBEDE, and the cast of SOUL FOOD!

*SHANNON STOKES, JADE and DICE CLAY (not to be confused with ELLE CLAY, please see ANDREW DICE CLAY for the reference)

CHESTER FRENCH at SANTOS NYC – during the OPEN PARTY with VA$HTIE, Q TIP and RICH MEDINA! LUPE watching the show… from va$htie on Vimeo.

CHESTER FRENCH at SANTOS NYC – during the OPEN PARTY with VA$HTIE, Q TIP and RICH MEDINA! from va$htie on Vimeo.


*we were acting a fool and cutting some rug.

*Q TIP introducing RICH MEDINA and ME…and then CHESTER FRENCH.

*as described by ELLE-INGTON, “you look like AXL ROSE’s secret black girlfriend. the one he was in love with, but no one knew about except his close friends.”

*LOIC and ELIZABETH!!! congrats…i love you both!!! i missed their engagement party earlier in the evening for work. if i get the video i’ll throw an homage to them somewhere in a scene!

*JACQUES JAMS, a mixtape by CHESTER FRENCH – hilarious!

*new fone!

*BEVY, super model LIYA KEBEDE, KYLE and MOI.

*i’m so tough, i smoke cigarettes backwards! WHAT!? DEE TWIN of DEE & RICKY

*OSCAR and our parisian friend HELMI, haven’t seen him since i was last in PARIS. oh how i miss it 🙁

*WASA-LUPE and LOIC, repping!

*if only you knew how hot it gets in there. seriously. i came with a vest, but needed to air out the pits.




*happy couple, DENNIS and THERESA.



View Comments

  • looks like a fun night..

    love you and elle's outfits..

    love Lu and Chester French :-)

  • Wow, Vashtie, you're doing your thing. When will Violett hit stores? It's good 2 c that Lupe and Q-Tip made peace. LOL!

  • i like your pants :)

    RE: "...which brought out some cool folks but also the wrong kind of folks who didn’t care about fun or good music, but rather being seen and seeing others."

    Good 2 see you're keeping the spirit of yur party alive, so many others get caught up in the "scene" and the atmosphere really falls off. Hard. :(

  • "i got back from ATL, took a nap, wrote a treatment "

    That line right there saved my night. I was about to call it quits for tonight. But I read that and jumped right back to business. 3 proposals due, gotta make it happen! Thanks Va$hus Clay.


  • axl rose's black girlfriend lol, white jeans are a risk for me, but you might have shown me the light, cute outfit!

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