WATCH: Abby Wambach’s Journey from Rochester to the World Stage- Directed by Va$htie

Check out the video below directed by yours truly and Guy Blelloch for VICE Sports. In the inaugural episode of VICE Sports Shorts, U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team star Abby Wambach returns home to Rochester, New York to visit her

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LIFE: Trailer of Vashtie’s Debut on Showtime’s 3AM Show This Thursday

Well, okay. When the producers for 3am contacted me to be apart of the show, I was super reluctant. But, my friends Fat Jew and Kirill were involved – so I was a bit more interested than usual. Still…despite sharing

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INTERVIEW: Vashtie On The June Cover of TRENDING NY – On Stands Now!

When Trending NY reached out a few weeks back asking me to grace their cover with a double 4 page spread, I was beyond stoked. Their publication is barely a year old and already keeping the fashionable hip to the game. Just

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LIFE: My Opening DJ Set for Santigold + Steve Madden, While Food Poisoning

A couple of weeks ago I was asked to open for the amazing Santigold at the Music Hall of Williamsburg for the Steve Madden Presents Series. I almost didn’t make it since I had a bad case of food poisoning

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1. Don’t make agreements. It’s a horrible time for negotiating contracts or making decisions. 2. Don’t accept or start a new job. 3. Don’t try to close the sale. Closing a deal is often based on taking advantage of great

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LIFE: Prada Shopping + Lunch at Colette + Tyrsa Studio Visit + Fafi Show & Dinner – Paris FW 1.15

January 28th, I went shopping for Prada with my friend Pablo Attal. Not sure if you guys remember, but I did this post in 2013 about needing an adult bag in my life and I was flirting with a classic

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LIFE: Waly-Fay Dinner – Party at Raspoutine, Castel & More – Paris FW 1.15

January 25th, 2015. I met up with this international gang for dinner at Waly-Fay, my new favorite place to eat in Paris. Well, one of them! It was an all star cast…

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LIFE: All Gone Book Release at Colette x Dinner at Caviar Kaspia PFW 1.15

January 24th, 2015. Stoked that I was in town for my friend Michael’s All Gone Book release at Colette.

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LIFE: DJ’ing for Chloe in Miami x Straight to Paris for FW 1.15

Okay, so this post is super late. Although this is from January 2015, I did still want to share it. My trip begins in New York and took me to Miami to DJ the Chloe Coral Gables store. I landed

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After a couple of weeks of missing my party, I finally made my return! I actually missed the craziness.. a little. Deemehlow, DJ Huggy Bear, and myself had the Marlin Room jumping all night long! We even had some very special

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