not meant to have teeth…

yeah i said it. i’ve had issues with my teeth since i could remember. i blame it in part to my parents…1. because we were so broke and had no insurance that i didn’t see a real live dentist until i was 12 and 2. because my mom has soft enamel and i’ve been cursed with the same 🙁

i think with all the pain and issues i’ve had, i’d be better off without teeth. now, i’ve been facing a “failed root canal” that has been re-infected. every 2 hours i have a throbbing pain in my mouth which effects my ear, making it feel like someone stabbing me through my ear. ugh. then i have to take codeine and motrin (which seems great) but makes me nauseous because i’m also barely eating because i can’t chew and i’m not hungry. this has been going on since friday.
i had part of the root canal done today, and the pus from the infection spouted out like a geyser (said my dentist). which is why the infection is so painful, it’s filled with pus and the antibiotics can’t touch it. i have to go back on thursday to get it re-drained.
lovely, right? well. i thought i’d let people know what’s happening in the “nights of vashtie”. vashtie is being tortured right now for having teeth. i can’t even respond to emails or answer my fone, i’m so unproductive 🙁 i’m on the computer with sunglasses right now, because the light from my screen makes me dizzy.
i could appreciate some digital hugs and kisses, friends 🙂
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