Back in July a 5 week old Russian Blue Kitty, Verrazano, was left to fend for himself after being thrown out a moving car on to the Verrazano Bridge.

Luckily, A city Animal Care and Control employee named Brendon Ocascio was driving by and noticed. “At first [Ocascio] thought they were throwing garbage from the car,” said city spokesman Richard Gentles. “Then he realized it was a kitten.” He immediately stopped and saved the baby feline who was soon after named Verrazano.

After news officials got wind of it, Verrazano became an overnight sensation. The Animal Care Facility said they were taking applications so that in a month or two when the kitty was old enough to be adopted – he would have a proper home.

I, a happy mother of a Russian Blue cat already, was dead bent on adopting him. I could see Vladimir having a little brother and how perfect that they both have “V” names.

I applied and waited patiently. I didn’t even mention it on my blog or to friends because I’m a  bit superstitious and don’t like to talk about anything before it happens.

Then, I heard that Whoopi Goldberg talked about Verrazano on The View and mentioned she wanted to adopt him. I knew it was a wrap, but I had high hopes.

I waited it out and a couple days ago they announced it on the news that, in fact, Whoopi Goldberg would be going home with Verrazaano.

I yelled at the TV…


Whoopi, now you know you’ve always been my girl – from “Jumpin’ Jack Flash”,”Ghost”, “The Color Purple” to even “The View”. You showed me at an early age that women could be successful and still be true to themselves without having to conform.

This ain’t personal, but damn Oda Mae Brown – I’m hurt feelings. I’m sure everyone else who wanted this little babe in their home feels the same way. Then you go and disturb his already perfect name by calling him “Vinny”? Nooooooo!

Verrazano, listen…if ever you’d like to come stay with your Aunty Vashtie and your brother Vladimir – you are more than welcome. I’m sure Miss Whoopi will shower you with love and affection and make you good food like she did in “The Color Purple” for mean old “Mister”, but just know I will always love you.


Posted in BLOG


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