NEWS: I’ve Uncovered A Vault of My Younger Days…

And I’m working on a post that will bring to life just who I was as a Middle School kid and who I was as a High School kid, through my artwork, keepsakes and photos.

There is a lot to go through because I seemed to have saved everything and I can pretty much diagnose myself as an emotional hoarder.

I mean…why I saved every single letter and note I will never understand, but I managed to piece together every drama and climax of my younger life.

I know some of you have asked me from time to time to share these things, so it will be coming soon!

For now, I will leave you with this photo of me via highschool…

Highlights and Overplucked Brows (Dunkin’ Donuts on Lark Street).

No, I’m not hiding a teen pregnancy…I just always liked dressing like a dude.

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