Categories: BLOGLIFE

LIFE: Working In DC x DJ’ing The Howard Theatre Gala x Chaka Khan & More x Pre-Birthday Celebrations x Day 1 (4.19.13)

I was so stoked for this trip to DC for a few reasons. Mainly because I had never been before (at least I don’t think) and because I was playing selector at 3 events! I was originally booked to host and DJ at the BROCCOLI FESTIVAL on 4/21, then I was booked to host the after-party the same night with my friend Big K.R.I.T and the after-party to Howard Theatre’s Second Annual Gala Benefit on 4/19.

I made a meal for the road…you know, a little kale/tomato/cucumber/chick pea salad!

Basically, that all means I had a weekend to get to know DC. I decided to take my friends DJ Huggy Bear, Elle Clay and Young Scoozle on a road trip and we would meet our other friends Amaris and Jamel when we got to “Chocolate City” (thanks to Elle for informing me of the city’s nickname). It would be a sort of pre-birthday celebration for me…

Roy Rogers and Hot Fries


After driving in heavy traffic and a monsoon, for what seemed like 6 hours, we got to the hotel room and chilled for a little bit. We then got ready and headed out to the gala in pouring rain.

I met Chaka Khan and just look at her!!! She’s incredible and gorgeous and 60!!! She was also very sweet.

It was a very grown event and although we felt underdressed, we had a good time.

Raheem DeVaughn and Jaguar Wright

D.L. Hughley was also in the house…

There was an exquisite dessert bar…but, nothing was vegan 🙁

Then we headed out with our very sweet coordinator, Tiffanie Wagner, to the local club…Current (I think). It was fun, but soon we had to leave since clubs close at 2am there.

Tiffanie Wagner and Elle Clay

Haha, Elle looking at her Instagram. She posted a pretty hilarious photo of me and her…

The fellas! Young Scoozle and Huggy Bear

There was a hookah in the club. I still don’t quite understand the point of smoking from one despite having it explained to me by the  locals. I don’t know…

Afterwards we headed to The Diner for some late night food. Everyone said it’s “the spot” so we had to go. Of course I got a Greek Salad (no Feta) and steamed Brussel Sprouts and it was delicious and I was happy.

Stephen aka DJ Huggy Bear and his pancakes.


Since we got in at night and went to the hotel and to the venue, there was nothing I could report on my interpretation of the city. Everyone seemed nice and of course the architecture was incredible.

All in all, it was a fun night that had some glitches here and there. Traveling with anyone is hard, but traveling with friends while working can also cause some strain. It’s a difficult place…trying to find a balance between business and pleasure. Either way, we had some good laughs. More to come on Day 2 and Day 3 of our DC trip tomorrow and Wednesday.



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  • I LOVE DC! Used to live in the DC/Maryland area. Hopefully all of you had a chance to get out and see the city during the day.

  • I'm blown I missed the festival yesterday, and I had no idea you'd be DJing at Howard Theater either? I hope you have a great birthday tomorrow Vashtie.

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