Categories: BLOGLIFE

LIFE: Working In DC x Broccoli Fest & Afterparty At Opera x Big K.R.I.T. x Day 3 (4.21.13)

We woke up ready to start the day. Earlier, Elle had put on Stephen’s Ewing jersey for jokes and I wanted to do the same thing for a photo. This is what you’d call ‘a jersey dress to the max’…or maxi. It was even more appropriate with The Knicks win on Saturday, boom!

Elle’s feets in Baron Von Fancy socks and Nike Flyknits.


I was so hungry for a good meal that I Googled for a Vegan/Raw restaurant and found Khepra’s Raw Food Juice Bar (a reader named Brittany also suggested this place). It was the bomb…like…really. It was all homegrown, I loved the vibe. I walked in to find a goods being sold in the front and in the back was the little set-up where you buy your food and sit and eat if you like.


A Hempburger with Broccoli and Kale…fitting for 4/20 and Broccoli Fest.


It’s important to be resourceful…always!

Before we saw this band, we heard them…and we totally believed they were black. When we saw that they were long-haired white boys we were surprised. They jammed and the crowd loved them! I wish I knew their name…anyone?

Spinser Tracy, Me & Uncle Scooty

Me and DC Rapper LightShow, who I quoted on my Instagram earlier that day…

We played a baseball pitching game…it was fun!

Young Scoozle did the best out of all of us…

Elle was riding dirrrrrrty.

Elle said “Roll Tide” to one of the guys working the festival and he was so stoked and said “Roll Tide” back. Later, he saw us again and suggested they take a photo together and I was with that!

It was so incredible to be at this festival. I thought it would be a nightmare to be there from 12-8 and by the time 8 came around I was bummed to leave. I met so many great people…took photos with them and conversed a bit . Not only that, they were all really attractive and had great style. #JustSaying

I was a happy camper.

Broccoli Bouquet

Amaris and her Pepsi…”Now Made With Real Sugar?” she asked. “What was it made with before?!” Hahaha I laughed and questioned the same thing. #stopeandfrisk

Me and Amaris in DKNY, oh my – we’re Jiggy!

Jamel and Amber Mims

Getting ready to announce Krit! Before that, the crowd was going nuts to some Go-Go music. It was fascinating to see, I know nothing about Go-Go.

Krit killed it. He is a great performer.

Stephen aka DJ Huggy Bear in the cut…literally


After the Broccoli Fest there was an afterparty at Opera. The club was super chic and Spinser Tracy killed his set! Me and Krit got to catch up and we found out that even Elle had been refering to him as her Country Cousin for a long time, they really are actually related!

Elle thought this would be a funny photo and it so is.

Real Country Cousins and not Play Country Cousins

Ryan Kibler and Friend


Then…I saw this and just about lost my mind!!!

It’s my Vladdy baby, on a cute tee. I was so stoked I couldn’t get over it. It took me a minute, I was geeked.


Spinser Tracy who is also the cousin of my friend Janell Snowden. Its a small world!

Sipping Ro-zay With My Bro-zay.

Bros Before Hoes

We turnt it up like Dee & Ricky and killed the couch!


Then, right at 2 the lights came on and the club was closing. Perfect time for us to bounce, get to the hotel and check out, pick up food at The Diner and head home to NYC! On our way out we saw a gang of Deer, like 6 or 7 of them just in someones front yard. It was incredible! Look!

And before I let this DC trip go like Blackstreet, here’s another ode to…




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