Categories: BLOGLIFE

life: TRINIDAD FASHION WEEK – DAY 4 (Violette Presentation while Theophilus London Performs)

despite the first 3 days being overcast, the 4th and final day proved to be sunny and searing hot. just my luck! my last day there and its the day i have to work the hardest and prepare for my presentation while everyone got to lounge by the pool 🙁 it was ok though, because i was so stoked on the presentation.

NIQ, a TRINI born designer would also be showcasing. ANTILIA asked us to put together a video presentation, which we did. on the day of my flight to TRINIDAD they asked me to bring pieces for models to wear. i thought the video would replace the runway show and said to myself “a runway show would be silly, since i only have t-shirts”. i went ahead and brought some tees.

the last and final day on the island, SUNDAY, i met my models. i only kept three, because i realized i’d have to style them and since the options presented didn’t fit the brand – i styled the three girls in my own clothes. i also thought, if THEOPHILUS was there – he should perform during my presentation and my models will dance alongside him!

i directed hair and makeup…”dark and smokey eyes, with dripping wet maroon lips and braids like a banjee girl”. while i dressed one of my models i decided to cut the tees into tanks since it was so sweltering hot.

i was in such a rush i wasn’t paying attention and stabbed my finger. i clenched my hand and walked out, shocked at the sight of blood gushing out of my hand. just then i ran into THEOPHILUS and when he saw my hand he ran to get me a towel and a nurse. on my way to the bathroom i left a literal trail of blood…

*this is when it calmed down.







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  • She looks like a snooty little snot too! Glad you blasted her. Theophilus should have stood right in front of her with his ass dead in her face....give her a chance to kiss it. LOL (joking)

  • lol, she probably was like fuck! she look the type that acts like she poppn but she not, destroying other people to make her self feel bigger. i hate bullies. at one point i was a bully hunter, i would walk into there world with a what the fuck you want to do type of attitude. i would have my razor (well more like a sharp pencil lol). they be the first to back down. they bark but no bite. F_#K BULLIES should be your next t-shirt line...

  • I know she felt exta dumb once she realized you was a part of the show, those models looked like little Vashtie's how adorable is that!!!!

  • I know how you feel about people trying to humiliate others in front of everyone FOR NOTHING,it's just so horrible and embarrassing when it happens to you and so painful to watch when it happens to somebody else.
    Cruel's the word...
    The best thing to do is ignore them,not even despise them,at first just try to analyze why the hell does they have that kind of behavior,try to understand them and you'll realize that they have some complex.Or that they are a little stupid.And then you'll ignore them naturally.Cause Vendetta's no good for karma ,may your name be Corleone or Vashtie Kola.
    Greetings from France !

  • LMAO.. your my kinda girl.. putting her ass on BLAST! haters never prosper.

    the models look great too

  • honestly i know it's not the thing to do, but i would have kicked her ass,but i would be so dumb: because when she realized you and theophilus was part of the show that's how you kicked her ass, and i would love to hear what kind of bad words you two exchanged lol

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