life: straight outta LAX

so, i was slightly MIA for a bit. last week i flew to LA to direct a video for DEF JAM and USHERS’s new artist JUSTIN BIEBER. he’s a 15 year old Canadian cutie that can sing, dance, skate and solve a rubix cube in 38 seconds.

although i was super sad i had to fly to LA on my birthday and cancel dinner plans with friends and family, i got the chance to catch up with some friends in the city of ANGELS, like – CURT@!N$, TAZ ARNOLD, HOLLYWOOD HOLT, MANO and TERRY KENNEDY.

*the night before, still in NYC…

*to the airport…next stop, LAX…

*flying is so archaic, seriously. why can’t we teleport by now?


*i can always at least say that “LA has great weather”, but why was it 90 degrees in NYC and 55 degrees in LA 🙁

*literally, as soon as ELLE and i stepped out of the rental…i hear, “Vashtie?” and it was homegirl from DIMEPIECE. apparently there was a photo exhibit happening in the telly…the STANDARD DOWNTOWN.

*that is not true.

*UPSTATE, represent!!!

*ELLE treated me to a nice birthday dinner…my 2nd night of birthday cake. in fact, i ate birthday cake 6 times in the past week!!!

*photo show.

*after we skimmed the photo show, we went to the roof for a little hang time. we ran into KASHIRO, whom we met on my birthday a year ago when i had my birthday party in LAS VEGAS at THE WYNN.

*i plotted an attack on the pool for 10am, after a good workout.

*there were too many weirdos and we didn’t stay long. we couldn’t figure out why so many people wanted to talk to us, randomly about nonsense.

*yay, sleep…

*bright and early in the AM. after a nice workout, it was TO THE POOL!


after location scouting and tech scouting and checking out the fitting, it was on to dinner with our god friend CURT@!N$.

*day 3, after casting i decide to cruise the street for more options. i also get a chance to hang with TAZ for a minute.

later, i hit up MANO and HOLLYWOOD HOLT since they were in town for a party. we decided on dinner and although ELLE and i wanted to get some FAT BURGER, MANO wanted to eat at NOBU (fancy pants).


*MANO (no DREA 🙁 )

*ELLE is super allergic to seafood and had her shot on her just in case. NOBU is all about the underwater cuisine…


*yes! cake again!!!

*these guys were pure laughs all night. it was epic.

next up, party in SILVER LAKE – SPANK ROCK x BELVEDERE. we went for 30 minutes and then headed back to the telly…it was to be an early morning shoot.

*HOLT and me.

Posted in BLOG


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