life: SOUTH AFRICA x STR.CRD 2011 – DAY 3 x MAIN EVENT (9.24.11) #

The main event took place like a block party. There was a massive stage and many different pop up shops lining the area. I was FREEZING and again, didn’t take as many pictures as I should have. It was also South African Heritage Day…

*Little South African cuties celebrating their heritage. This was the second take. The first one they were all too serious and then I asked them to add a little “sass” and this is what they gave me.

*A painting made just for me! Thank you!!!

*Theophilus and Me.

*Fun with Theophilus’s hat…

*Music Selecting at the private event. HUGGY BEAR said…”have some fun and show some teeth”.

*I was so excited I had the South African ladies dancing!

*HUGGY BEAR took over for me after he took these amazing pictures of party goers.

*MastaLee and Me


Later, Theophilus London put on a show that was nothing less than MONSTER!!!

Posted in BLOG, LIFE


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