LIFE: Mexican Morrissey Night x Angelo Baque & Friends (6.20.12)

This day was a scorcher, but a little known fact about me is that I love sweltering New York City in the Summer. I’m no fan of humidity, but that dry heat that feels like your walking into a pre-heated oven is fine by me. I just can’t take cold winters.

Anyways, this evening my dear friend ANGELO BAQUE was having his 3rd MEXICAN MORRISSEY Party. After missing the first two, I had no excuse missing the third…especially it being in my hood and all. This is a special night for dancing to the sounds of Smiths/Morrissey mainly, but you can also hear the music of Depeche Mode, The Cure and much more! If you’re a fan of Morrissey/The Smiths, then your self-deprecating ass will find a crowd to embrace you and your love of Moz!

I should note, this party is something special.

OSCAR came over and we planned our outfits for our 1992 Party this Thursday 6.21 – You coming?

He has a snazzy backpack.

ANGELO BAQUE spinning some bomb ass Morrissey hits. I didn’t know if I wanted to cry or dance.

I loved the decor. It was spot on. Despite having no religious affiliations and having attended Catholic School all my life, I did the sign of the cross when I saw this.


RAFAEL RIOS did some online shopping. Working out those pecs I see.

SHANIQWA JARVIS was also on deck and doing some reading…

YOUNG SCOOZLE. Mean-mugging West Indian!

In the middle is me…ASHY VASHTIE



Until next time…enjoy this tune from THE SMITHS


Posted in BLOG, LIFE


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