Categories: BLOGLIFE


i couldn’t believe this was the very first time i’ve seen my good friend LUPE perform after all our years of friendship!

i feel like in my blogging and my life i try to be honest (no matter what) with the public and although LUPE is a good friend, i show no favortism when i say this —

LUPE’S SHOW WAS TREMENDOUS! no back up dancers, stage pyromania or any other mind-numbing visuals need apply to make this star look brighter than he is. just good music, powerful and creative lyrics made the night a hit!

*read below for more on my feelings about our friend LUPE and his music*

*STEPHEN “SB WEAR” BARR. the hell we went through to get to backstage…jeez. thanks for burrowing through the crowd friend!

*when we got to VIP we spotted a dude sitting in my spot. LOIC said, “that doesn’t look like you”.

*VAL and LUKE (adorable AUSSIES)


*i only had 2 VIP/BACKSTAGE, which grew to three when LOIC’s friend have us another to make it 3. there were 6 of us total. ME and VAL did the ole’ switcheroo and walked two people in at a time…it worked!

*being short sucks, but venues with live feed on TV’s rule!

*LOIC and LYOR (4 lettered “L” names, nice)

while watching the show and listening to what LUPE was saying to the crowd, it transported me back in time to when i was about 12 or 13. being a misfit, misunderstood by family, hating school and the kids in it that made my life hell, wanting to be anywhere far from home…

it was music that really saved my soul.

i would bury myself in tons of it. headphones on, taken away to another world.

LUPE’s show and lyrics gave me the sense that his music gives that same hope to other young people. it’s feel good and fly music, but it also has it’s way of “taking you away” and giving hope. i find that to be rare in music of today.

not only that, but his fanbase are my kind of people. dedicated, laid back and fun folks! it was a pleasure being around like-minded people 🙂

it was an excellent show and highly recommend you check it out!!!


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  • Man, I'm jealous... I love Lupe, beautiful lasers is speaking to me right now... That 9 minute freestyle was amazing.

  • Kid Cudi had a show there a while back. Did you go to that one too? I would love to see Lupe and Cudi do a tour together. I think they are amazing and they both have that feel taking you away music. You never post on Cudi anymore and his link is down. Lupe and Cudi are the best. Those are my favorite posts.

  • Green with envy. Wish i could of gone to see Lupe,and B.o.B too(love "generation lost", and his new tracks). Sad to see Lupe leave the game with lasers :(

  • Lupe is awesome!! Went to see him couple years ago when the cool album was out and I can honestly say it was one of the best shows I've ever been to. He really puts his all into the performance its really powerful. Can't wait to hear his new album :)

  • @cleverandroid

    you'll be happy to hear that changed...he's not retiring after lasers!

    he's working on his 4th album already according to dj busy

  • lupe is the best.

    "being a misfit, misunderstood by family, hating school and the kids in it that made my life hell, wanting to be anywhere far from home…"
    i know what you mean.

  • I must say that I am shock that this is your first time seeing Lu in concert....I love how even though you and Lu are cool that you were having a hard time getting backstage,lol....But yeah, Lupe's fan vary among look but they all do seem to be naturally cool people--no pun intended. BTW, Love your blog Vashtie! I love how walk the line between fame and normality...It humanizes the'flashing lights'.

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