Categories: BLOGLIFE

LIFE: Liming In Old Lyme – Dark & Stormy’s, A Thug Bug’s Life & Scott “Past Tense” Williams (2013)

We’ve been going to our friend Laura’s Country House in Old Lyme for the past few years now and every year we look forward to it like rain during a drought. As much as I hate leaving my city because I ended up missing it so, taking a break from New York in the Summer is a gift…no matter where you happen to go. New York residents pride themselves on the “New York Minute”, hustling and making moves faster than Speedy Gonzalez is the name of the game…which is exactly why a break is always needed. Anyways, we are all thankful to Laura and her family extended the invitation to all of us. Here is how the trip went. If you are a long-time reader you already know how we do…grilling, games and swimming.Elle Clay asleep at the wheel…she lives on the edge.

Greg Kubie and Rachel Levene with Young Scoozle in the way back…

Funky feet…

Funkier feet. 

I should also mention that we all decided that Vladimir The Fraidy Cat should come with us. It would be a couple hours in the car, but then he’d be free to be in nature for the weekend. He was found in the streets of Queens and I’m unsure if he’s ever seen grass in his life – this seemed to be something he should see. You know, experience life in nature…

Yes thank you Lord…Jesus, Buddha, Allah, Shiva, Krishna…

Some heifers…

Me and Elle…

Rach and Greggles

While we were on the trip, Young Scoozle aka Scott “Past Tense” Williams was notified that he’d be playing in a big Nike Basketball Game #SummerIsSerious, after a competitive tryout on the court. Check out how he got the news…

Dark and Stormy’s? Why, yes please.

Elle getting ready to throw down on the court…

We had to wait our turn until the boys were done…apparently chivalry IS dead.

Shortly after this shot, we witnessed some strange things in nature…things our human eyes shouldn’t have been forced to see. It was either a murder or a rape or both…it was a violent crime between two giant bugs. Neither of them looked to be the same kind, but one swiftly pummeled the other across the court just as I was in the middle of ball handling and shooting drills (my first time thanks to my jock friends). Then the one bug carried the other bug up the hoop. It was disturbing to say the least so we bounced to get food and hang by the pool.Scoozle is ready…

Nice catalog by Brooklyn We Go Hard and some excellent reading thanks to Juxtapoz.

The corn hole competition was going strong…

Cate Bell and Jillian…

“That Bitch Sasha”. This little doggy was hilarious.Elle wanted a macro shot of baby hairs…

T: Cate Bell, Laura, Jillian, Young Scoozle, Greg Kubie. B:Elle Clay and Sheryl Swoopes

I made a giant kale dinner salad!

Scott made flank steak on the grill.

Meat Plate…

Vegan Plate…

For dessert, Elle blessed us with grilled peaches drizzled with mole-asses and some ice cream! It was heaven sent and I made love to it in mind every day since.

Kitty was mortified for a lot of the trip, mostly because he’s already a fraidy cat but also he’s never really been anywhere except to the vet and to Brooklyn during our Hurricane Sandy refugee days. I wanted him to see nature and I thought this experience would put some hair on his wussy chest. He was stoked on it when we were in the room with him, but when there was too much noise from other rooms – he bolted. Here he is taking advantage of Elle’s lower half…

Grilled Squash and Onions.

Greg had some incredible one liners during the trip: “Shut up, Idiot”.

This frog popped out when I was in the hot tub and out of no where he starting hopping towards it. Suddenly he jumped in and I got so scared he would drown but then Laura scooped him out and we were all relieved that froggy didn’t die.

The look on kitty’s face is like “I hate you. This nature is for the birds,  take my back to Manhattan”.

Home sweet home!!!


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