Categories: BLOGLIFE

LIFE: Fear And Self-Loathing In Los Angeles – DJ’ing Jason Richardson’s Birthday & Hanging With Friends

I touched down in Los Angeles on Monday around midnight. I would have some time to chill the next day before I would DJ that evening for Hurdler Jason Richardson’s Birthday Party, then I would head back to New York first thing in the morning. It was clear it would be another in and out business trip that would leave me exhausted. I was fine with that, considering I’ve never really had any prolific experiences in LA…BUT, lately I’ve been really eager to explore this mysterious place. I don’t know why, but I’ve always had a hard time connecting with the city that so many of my great friends love or live in. Maybe my time is always too short or maybe all the 80’s/90’s movies I watched as a kid ruined my perception of it. This trip, I actually got to spend some time with New York Local Josh Madden and LA residents Joel Madden and Peter James Lee – it was a lot of fun!


Photos by iPhone 4 (Camera & Instagram). Mercury is just now over being in retrograde so I can replace my broken Canon G11. Holler.

*Ran into the homie J.Scott of Imnotatoy.Com at the airport.

He hit me on Twitter after he heard I was in LA asking if I had any vegan cookies on me and I reluctantly had to admit that I was, indeed, a fat kid smuggling cookies.

They were RAW this time around.

This Hotel was cool. There was a scent flowing throughout that reminded me of a beautiful older black woman who attends church regularly.

Charles Wade actually hit the nail on the head and made sense of my weird analogy  when he said it smelled like there was a salon on the premises.

I met up with Jonny Shipes to go over some work stuff and got some work dates for the Summer in place.

Any of my Danish/German/Norwegian supporters got a couch for me to crash on?! I’ll settle for the floor.

Mothers Milk.

All the rooms in the Redbury were beautiful and massive. I had a living room, kitchen and washer/dryer. When it came time for lights out I was really freaked out. I blame it on my entire lifetime spent in cramped quarters. Being alone in a big space frightens me.


The next morning I awoke super tired, but super stoked to start the day…

Went to hit the gym. I was told it was across the street, but it ended up being 4 blocks away. I was lost for a minute and felt like Vivian from Pretty Woman, walking the block.

When I finally arrived at the address I was told to go to, I was confronted with a Parking Garage.

It took me about 20 minutes to realize that I had to walk into it to get to the gym.

*JOSH MADDEN came to show me a great LA time…

He and PETER JAMES LEE took me to M CAFE for some delicious vegetarian food! I also got a bomb KALE LEMONADE! Boom. Then, JOEL MADDEN stopped by.



*Me and JOSH MADDEN climbing ish at MAX FIELDS.


*ASHY LARRY after Jason Richardson’s Birthday Party at My Studio. Special thanks to Jason and Charles Wade for everything!!!

Photo By Jonny Shipes.



Early Wednesday morning on the way to the airport. Just one number short of 1992 (which is having a re-launch this year).




View Comments

  • OMG yes!! Vashtie you are welcome to crash at mines. I follow your dope blog every once in a while plus you are my muse:).. Keep the good work up. Blessings all the way from Cph, DK

  • Vashtie, we would love to welcome you in our huuge place in Berlin (Schoeneberg), which is a 1,5 hour drive from Ferropolis, where the Splash festival takes place. The good thing about that is you'd also get to see Berlin - we'd make sure to give you the best tour ever. ;-) Also, you might still remember us from last year. Only thing you'd have to put up with is my (Martin's) german accent. So, if you want to come, just write us a short email. Also, we're in NYC right now and will be here for another month so maybe we'll bump into each other again at Taralucci e vino sometime. ;-) Love, Senait & Martin

  • Okay its been killing me. where did you get your meshy under top in the first picture. It's really nice

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