LIFE: DJ’ing at 1OAK Alongside DJ Huggy Bear x 212 Tuesdays

212 TUESDAYS return, this time around to 1OAK. If you live in New York and don’t bother with fancy clubs, your asking yourself the same thing I asked myself  “1OAK is still around”? I had no idea, no shade. Regardless, the addition of 212 TUESDAYS will make your work week dip worth it. Trust.

DJ Huggy Bear & DJ Curry Fingers

I absolutely hate my hair in a single ponytail, but having no time on your hand will make you do things you normally wouldn’t. I guess it doesn’t look so bad. I’ve also gained some weight back, but I’m still looking a little crypt keeper-ish.

The Crew!

Huggles playing the jams.

Awesome. Let’s all look at the people who spent 700$ on a bottle of Grey Goose that actually costs like 65$ in real life. Woo hoo.

I was obsessed with popping these bottles…they were actual glass bottles of Jana! Super fancy. Guess what will be on my rider next time I’m booked! Mhmmm.

Posted in BLOG, LIFE


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