Categories: BLOGLIFE

LIFE: Birthday in Paris – Day 5 & 6 – Party at Nano – Charaf, Stephane Ashpool, Tremaine, Hadarrah (4.26.14)

Elle and I woke up super late after a terribly fun and hilarious night/early morning in our hotel rom. We stopped by the Nike x Pigalle Exhibit where I met a photographer who wanted to take my portrait. He was funny and sweet…

Elle’s White on White.

We took a nap, we were so tired. Between the jet lag and the partying, we were beat…

We met Charaf for drinks and dessert…

On the skreets.


Later, at Club Nano – we celebrated me and Stephane’s birthday! It was a teeny tiny club and there was a super fun/gay party happening there called House of Drama. 

Stephane Ashpool & Vashtie

Tremaine and Stephane

I showed up to DJ and they didn’t have any equipment I could use at all. I was bummed and almost decided to call it a night. One of the dancers we met was so sweet and loved that me and Elle (Americans) were there. He tried to help me figure out the system and introduced me to the owner…Christophe Arak. He was a super sweetheart and decided to teach me how to DJ using a USB stick, since he couldn’t accommodate the system I needed.

It was exciting, frightening and amazing all in once – learning a new DJ system on the fly in front of people who wanted to dance. Christophe was so patient and positive, I am forever thankful for him and that night. Glad I decided to roll with the punches and try something new – rather than call it quits.

The face of me learning.

This guy!

House of Drama performance.

Hadarrah More.

Me and Elle hadn’t eaten all day and found a late night spot, called Clichy’s Tavern. It was good. I had the Moules Frites (minus the Frites) and Elle had the Cheeseburger. 


Our last day in Paris was a quiet Sunday. Elle slept in while I had an Americano with my friend Alex Sossah. We had a nice chat about the Orient Express, Cannes and taking long overdue breaks.

Later – Elle and I ran into Tremaine and Hadarrah checking out of the hotel and we had a nice little lunch with them. Tremaine ordered the Bagel Burger,which we were all amazed with – s0 much that I forgot to take a photo of the crew before we all departed.

Oh, Paris! You were good to me as usual. Je t’aime!!!


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