After a long weekend of traveling and DJ’ing in Vancouver and Los Angeles, it was an early Monday shoot with fashion phenom Garance Doré and Whistles UK. I was featured among a handful of incredible other women…
Yasmin Sewell, a London-based fashion consultant, Elle Strauss, the Fashion Director of Shopbop and Brit living in New York, Vashtie Kola, an American artist and DJ, Jeanann Williams, an American stylist, French actress Rebecca Dayan, and French DJ and creative consultant Cecile Togni
It was a fun and easy shoot. All I had to do was whistle, dance and jump around on camera…you know, all the things this camera shy and introvert loves to do. Regardless, I did my best…I may be introverted, but I hate nothing more than to waste other peoples time and playing shy would have ultimately wasted my time too. So, I did what I had to to and enjoyed it in the end!
Garance teaching me a thing or two…
I totally sweat my natural deodorant out, it was so not cute.