Categories: BLOGLIFE

LIFE: 4 Days in London x Lunch at Pizza East x Supreme London Visit with Grace Ladoja & Friends (Day 1 & 2 of 4)

I still can’t believe it has been 10 years since I was last in London. Actually, I can believe it because I only travel for work – which is something I hope to change, but as a Taurus I can’t promise anything. When I first traveled to Europe, London was my least favorite place of all…and I’ll explain why. Growing up in “The States”, I had grand daydreams of Europe being so foreign and different. When I first came to London I had expectations of it being so different and weird, but it felt like New York. So – it wasn’t that I disliked it for any reason…I just had expectations of it being super foreign. Although it feels like New York, it also feels very different. This time around I really got to take in the culture, even though I was only there for 4 days. Here is a portion of my first 2 days…


The Smiths, Morrissey, PJ Harvey, Sade and King Krule were on HEAVY ROTATION!

Oh nice, look at death in living form. #EffConcealer

On the plane, I watched a FASCINATING documentary on David Bowie. There was SO much I didn’t know about him. For example, he took on a different character every time he came out with a new album and they were all different from each other. I also saw that when he recorded “Young Americans”, one of his backup singers as a young and darling Luther Vandross. I love me some Luther.


Business Class on an International Flight is incoryable! I laid flat and slept the whole way. The guy next to me was a bit weird, but I was not studdin’ him. Also, I had a really sweet flight attendant.

Thas Me!

My hotel room was not ready, so I took some jet-laggy self portraits.


Lonely Hotel Rooms are fun and then lonely…and in Europe they are always too cold for me. I waited around to meet up with my New York friends Shaniqwa and Angelo who also planned a trip to London and Paris – the same dates I was there! What luck…or bad luck if you know what trouble we are as a threesome.



The taxi’s are old school like they are in those old British movies. It felt like Harry Potter or something…even though I’ve never seen one Harry Potter film.

Lunch at Pizza East with Angelo and Shaniqwa’s Lovely Friends!


Angelo teaching this adorable lad naughty hand gestures.


Grace Ladoja! I missed this babe!

Young Americans (in London) via my INSTAGRAM

Supreme Employee. He looks like a British gentleman version of the boys we have at the New York shop  

Supreme London – Mark Gonzalez Artwork


Vegan & Raw Snacks? Yes please! 

Room Service, vegan style!

Solomon, Blondie and Tremaine

Oooh, and a live drag queen show with the windows wide open so I can peer through. I am so nosey!I’ll share the rest of my London trip tomorrow you wankers.


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  • dear ms. high arch,

    im looking at that pizza and miss it. i heard something called daiya cheese can fill the void. its a vegan cheese. i got the dough receipe but, is it good or does it taste like cassava farts?

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