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i’m going going back back to Cali Cali…

early sunday morning i get a call that i need to be on a plane to LA LA land for sunday afternoon to shoot on monday. i hurried so quick, i didn’t even get to tell anyone.

although i’d rather be in bed resting because i feel like JEFF GOLDBLUM in “THE FLY” (see below), i have to say i am excited. i haven’t been to LA since 2004, geez. i’ll tell you you guys more about the shoot later! i trust you all had a nice weekend. any news?

“The Fly”


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  • LOL.. not the most flattering picture. that dudes face look like babe ruth's baseball glove, all beat up n ish

    have fun in LA, say hi to Dom Kennedy

  • Lol im still laughing at the fly pic, your funny Va$htie. I would love to go LA! fun in the sun wahoooooo!, the warm weather or is it there winter? Look forward to the pics.

  • Damn Vashtie you really did not have to post that atrocious shit! Well anyway hope you feel better and I know you'll get the job done (what are you shooting anyway? huh). Taking my cuz and crew to Open this friday for her b-day hope to see you there - no stalking (like people say no homo lmao).

  • know you don't look anything like that..i wish i was in LA..well have a great time, do ya thing....and feel better :-D

  • Really, Vashtie with the "fly"??? Anyways you need a wikipedia account. You are moving up in the world, so tell Elle to help you step that up!! LOL

  • on a random note:
    have you ever been browsing on eluxury??
    THEY GOT AMAZING THINGS i am going insane!
    i trust you will have fun in la peaces

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