halloween – best costume ever

other than valentines day, my favorite holiday is halloween. it’s so much fun, getting dressed up, eating obscene amounts of candy and seeing all the kiddies in their costumes.

the best costume i ever wore was when i was at art school. they were having a big halloween party and had a drag contest (art school, hello) where the winner would win 200$. to me and my homegirl LUZ, that sounded like a million bucks…especially since we were on a student budget eating ramen noodles.

somehow we managed to convince my then boyfriend MARCO that the money would could feed us for aeons. actually, i don’t think he ever agreed, i think he argued until the last minute. poor thing.

our inspiration…J LO and PUFFY (currently DIDDY).

*LUZ, among many things, was a makeup artist and she hooked it up. we stuffed poor MARCO’s ass with tshirts and put him in my bikini. ha.

*at the party, one girl i didn’t know kept trying to dance with me. i was so confused. then, a security guard pushed me out the way super rough and i started to cry…we realized then how convincing my costume was.

after all of our hard work and poor MARCO’s pain, we lost to a real drag queen who was in the graphic design department. we argued all the way back to the dorms while dudes on the street tried to holler at she-male MARCO. in hindsight, it was one of the best time’s i’ve had.

have a safe and happy halloween gals and ghouls!

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