DOIN’ IT WELL: 4 Reasons For Sober October! (This Monday October 1st)

I hate to mention this, but October is around the corner…I know, where did the year go?!

Around this time, I like to detox. Especially since I usually spend the summer hydrating with rosé and sip Champagne all September long for Fashion Week worldwide. It sounds like I’m complaining when I should be silently appreciative (and I am VERY appreciative) – but, my liver is screaming unappreciatively for a break.

Vashtie Kola, Moet & Chandon-mosphere

WHO SHOULD PARTICIPATE? | Drinkers, Smokers, Sugar Fiends, Soda Fanatics, Meat Eaters, Gamers…
There are a lot of you out there like me, who drink socially or for pleasure, a couple times or more during the week. Everything is good in moderation of course, but…it’s also beneficial to give your body a break to cleanse and restore. This is something I like to do a couple times a year, as some of you may know.

(Even if you don’t drink, maybe you smoke weed or cigarettes? Maybe you have a sugar/soda addiction or you want to stop watching so much TV. Maybe you think not eating meat or dairy is impossible. There is at least one thing you can commit to ridding yourself of for just one lousy month!)




Drinking can rack up the dollars. If you are drinking socially, you’ll have to factor in; taxi’s/ubers, tipping, and after hours eating with the hunger that alcohol always brings.

It’s about to be the holiday season (Nov./Dec.), which means – lots of celebratory drinks and food to consume. Having one month off before all the office holiday parties, get-togethers with friends,  family dinners and more will be a blessing on your your wallet (and your waistline). Instead of all that, save your dough and put it away for your eventual holiday shopping. You’ll be thankful come November.


Not drinking (and drunk eating) for a month will keep you in shape or let you get into your best shape. If you consider that most regular cocktails range in the 150 calorie area and you have 2/3 a night – you add up 500 calories. Do that a couple times a week, and you’ll have an extra 1500 calories. General side effects of alcohol; Bloating, Weight Gain and Dryness of Skin.

Not to mention, after a night of drinking – most people don’t feel the urge to wake up early and exercise before starting their day. All of this will further keep you from looking your fiercest come holiday season and won’t help seasonal depression (if you have it).


Recommended drinking amounts vary from various world health organizations, but it seems 1 drink per day, not more than 2 at a time, only 3 days a week is the going ratio. If you factor in that a lot of people drink more than that in one night, maybe just twice a week – it can ravage your body. You may not see the effects now, but around your 40’s and 50’s it can be cancer causing and liver damaging.

Giving your body a break will not only keep you and your organs healthy, but it will keep you more youthful and fit. Just as the saying goes, “no one ever regrets not going to the gym” I believe, no one ever regrets not drinking”.


We have had so many people in our lives tell us what we are and are not capable of, be it our parents our teachers our loved ones. We also continue that confusing system to ourselves…we say things like, “Diet starts tomorrow” or “I can’t give up meat, I love it” or “I need a smoke to keep me going throughout the day”. All of these statements limit us…”I can’t”, “I need”, blah blah blah.

Now, I’m not saying cut all the things you love out of your life, but just try to pick one thing that you could stop for just one month. The proof that you can do it will prove more to your psychology than you think.


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