Categories: BLOG

Discuss: To Blog Or Not To Blog…How Social Media Continues To Confound Me!

This Digital Age of Social Media and Mass Communication is a strange one for many reasons. It’s mostly a strange place to be in because so much information is being thrown at us for process that it’s hard to make sense of it in the moment…like “Is having a Facebook account a good idea?” or “Do people need to know my personal opinion on everything that goes on in the world via Twitter?”. We’re in a difficult space to form a routine around constantly changing digital trends…

Also, because this place is so new and ever-changing…we have no previous existing model to compare it to. It’s not like we can call our Mom’s and ask “Hey Mom, how did you find your voice and form a routine within Social Media when you were my age?”. We all have to figure it out as we go.

But – if you’ve noticed, not all Social Media channels are created equal. Of course they all specialize in different areas, but even the criteria for being popular varies significantly. For example…I’ve been on Twitter since 2008 (5 years) and I have 38,000 Followers and I’ve been on Instagram since 2011 (2 years) and I have 83,000 Followers. I don’t even know how to explain that…

I’m constantly battling which Social Media channels to keep on and which to turn off. Right now, I reluctantly have all of these:

Blog// Vashtie.Com

Instagram// @Vashtie

Twitter// @Vashtie

Facebook// Facebook.Com/Vashtie.Kola


I mean, I love Instagram but do I seriously need Facebook AND Twitter? Does having a Tumblr make any sense? Is Blogging what is used to be? Its hard to answer these questions. Others offer advice, but we all do different things – what works for one person doesn’t work for another.

Anyways. This long rant is coming from Social Media overload. I love blogging and have been doing it since 2007 (6 years), but it feels like Instagram is a quick fix for satisfying the visual share in the actual moment. I love engaging with people who follow me and my work on Twitter, but does that leave Facebook obsolete? I just don’t know ya’ll…BUT I guess I couldn’t really have a conversation like this anywhere else, huh?

Let me know your thoughts and thanks for your well wishes! I hope you all are doing well!!!


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  • I hear you Vashtie, it can be mad over stimulating as well. Hopefully we can grasp it as a digital culture & educate the next generation on how to tackle it.

  • I'm a big fan of refining. I have all of the same platforms, and the only ones I really value are my blog and my instagram. If I could delete Facebook, I would in an instant (however, it's part of my job).

    I think not only is it all overstimulating, but it makes me really dark on some people I'd otherwise like in real life! Not cool.

    I'm starting to value my privacy more and more these days and I think that in the near future I'll have a lot less of a digital footprint.

  • bahahaha - a battle i've fought since the beginning of tumblr! in my opinion (and my opinion purely based on the fact that i work in digital advertising and i'm constantly hearing the need for more social presence), is that you should have a presence everywhere for all audiences. if there are api's you can download that easily link each other to update (ex. my instagram pics instantly post onto my blog) - the easier for you! having a presence on tumblr = easy for sharing images/content; having a presence on facebook = again, easy way for FB users to share your posts; twitter = conversations/RT's, blog = end all be all of you! =) instagram = instant content, try to link this up to your tumblr (if not already) -- ok i'll stop nerding out, good luck!!! (and check your email! =P)

  • good topic. Me personally as a journalist, i need some media social networks but at the same time its overwhelming and time consuming, and people (myself) lol can be so damn right nosey. I stick to twitter, instagram (my fav) and blogging. I haven't got a Facebook and isn't planning to have one. I enjoy your blog and instagram the most, but keeping it simple and somewhat private works for moi xx

  • Good post,

    Social media is good for a little while but like everything else, sometimes things just get old and seem irrelevant over time. There's not much else I could state that hasn't been stated already in your post and in comments prior to mine.

    You said you love Instagram, that is cool and if it's a quick way for you to share your visual moments, then keep using it. However, if you feel the need to share your thoughts sometimes then you may as well keep the blog too.

    FB and twitter have their places too, no lie. You have a large and very diverse fan base you who use those and for many, those sites are probably the best or only way you can connect to them because not everyone uses instagram or read blogs.

    All in all it boils down to your priorities sweetheart. Just give it all sometime to sink in and just go with the flow of what works out best.

  • First off, you are great. I believe blogging isn't what it use to be, nor is graphic design but you should stick to your blog, twitter and instagram. It will get overwhelming because once the next "big thing" pops you, you'll soon have to feel like you have to join that. Just keep it simple x stick to what is easier x quicker.

  • I have never been able to get into Twitter. I have an account that I haven't been on in at least a year. For me, Facebook is great because I have been able to find long lost family members, I can play games and chat at the same time.

    I LOVE your blog and I agree with an earlier post, try linking them up where all you have to do is post it one time and it will appear on the other media sites. I know friends have their instagram, twitter and facebook linked. Unfortunately I lack the knowledge to talk you through it. LOL. Bottom line is to find what works for you. But please keep the blog... :)

  • Social media is not NEW (well at least not to me)

    It was:
    Yahoo Messenger

    Then it was College Place (Not sure of the name but it was strictly for college students)

    Next, it was AsianAvenue, Migente, and Blackplanet

    After, it was Facebook that was strictly for college students or graduates. If you weren't in college, Myspace came along and you was able to join. Facebook changed their options so anyone can join and that is when the whole game change.

    Not EVERYBODY is involve in social media...some stay away from it completely and some choose to be involve in it (whatever the matters maybe). But if you don't need it...stay away from it. No need to dis it!!!

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