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“I had the honor of directing a music video for one of my new favorite artists – Kendrick Lamar. After falling in love with his mixtape Section.80 and playing it on repeat, I was given the choice to pick any song to direct. I settled on “A.D.H.D.” for it’s dark beat and melancholy lyrics, tones that have always resonated with me. Like most of Kendrick’s songs off Section.80, it felt like a confessional of a conflicted generation; a timeless and universal theme.

I wanted the video to illustrate the emotion he paints with words, while avoiding gratuitous shots of any substance. Despite the song’s title and content, the focus isn’t the drugs, but rather, that basic human experience of apathetic youth. That simple mood of emptiness which we choose to either address or self-medicate.

Kendrick is a monster. Not only is he gifted as a musician, but as a person – he’s a genuine sweetheart.

I hope you like the video…” – Va$htie, Director [via LIFEANDTIMES.COM]


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  • Glass in hand - Cheers! And thank you for pointing out the lyrical meaning...those who don't listen to KL's music would get that itch...the "assuming" itch.

  • COOL VIDEO, KL is the next big deal... i see them Jordans made an apperance "The spitrful chant" is my joint, but A.D.H.D is a good choice shit any song on that mixtape is a good pick good job Kola...Im glad to see they aint pick up 40z of malt liquor :)

  • Somebody needs to tell Vashtie the truth; this video was a disappointment. I still look up to you but come on. His actual lyrical content sustains so much imagery, how could you not use a few lines to portray in the video? I felt like I had ADHD watching the video. If that was your intent then, job well done. It's not horrible...just mediocre to the song.

  • This Video...#what it means to be a twentysomething #where is my life going? #im bored(if not depressed) #im waiting for something to happen
    #what is it (Life) all about?
    #im not sure what i want to do (or how to get there) but i do know what i DONT want to do
    #my job (if i have one) sucks!
    #quarterlife crisis!!!

    After two watches i got it. It about the feelings youth feel that LEAD to the instances he talks about in the song. For all we know the characters will leave and do drugs because of the "angst" of those unaswered questions. I see myself in the characters say 5-7 years ago. Nice work for not being literal wid it and for the psychological bent!

  • Phone on some bull, but yeah the Spiteful Chant is what I mean the video is cool I mean damn what you want Biggie "Hypnotize"

  • I can't say I love Vashtie. I understand completely what you were going for but I think it could have been more creative. The setting for the video went over my head at first to be honest but now I do get what you were trying to convey. But listening to the song and it's dark portrayal of a generation lost to drugs and not knowing where to go in life, the video doesn't do it full justice in my eyes. I still dig it though

  • For some reason this song gives me the chills,but good chills. The video is simple but its perfect&i love it even more b/c vashtie directed it.

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