cute kids: ELLE goes home to ALABAMA and hangs with the kiddies!

i don’t like it when ELLE-INGTON goes down south to visit her family. mainly because i can imagine all the southern cuisines she is being served. i would go to town on all of that. if i went down south, i probably wouldn’t leave. i love all things southern; the accents, the hospitality, the culture. her granny makes me home made sweet potato pies and we havent’ even met, how rad is that! it’ just something in the way southern people speak that feels like they’re flirting with you, doesn’t it?!

anyways, here are some funny pics of her super cute nieces and nephew.

*KENZIE, MADISON, ELLE and TY (he just made EASTER super hard).

ELLE’S caption: so, taking pics of them after church was a bit difficult. they wouldn’t cooperate AT ALL. kenzie wouldn’t put down her cup or the sword (a prop from the play at chuch…the soldiers that guarded Jesus’ tomb)

*look at that little monster in the back. i seriously might wrestle her when i meet her, she is too cute!

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