Vegan Vittles: Comfort Vegan Food at Organic Grill in NYC’s East Village

vashtie eating vegan food

I’m kicking off  “Vegan Vittles” with shares from all the vegan eateries I enjoy. Here we go…

A couple of weeks ago I finally dined at the famed, vegan Organic Grill in New York City’s East Village. I can’t believe I lived many, many years in this city and I never went to eat there, ever, until now! Having gone there just once, I immediately knew it would be my neighborhood spot. They have all the comfort foods one could need including vegan burgers, french fries, pancakes, salads wine and even dessert!

Here’s what I ordered for my first time:

vegan burger from Organic Grill

The Original OG Burger (Gluten/Soy/Nut Free)

sweet potato home fries from Organic Grill

Sweet Potato Homefries

Green Bowl from Organic Grill

Green Earth Bowl

Vegan Tiramisu from Organic Grill




I highly recommend this place! Not only is it Organic and Vegan, but they also have many Gluten/Soy/Nut Free Options. I have gone back three times already in just a few weeks. Trust me when I say, its damn good. Also, if you’re brave enough – they have a burger challenge!

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