LIFE: Birthday in Paris – Day 4 – Nike Pigalle Launch – Dinner at Hotel Amour – Party at Folies Pigalle (4.25.14)

Friday, April 24th was the big day. Nike invited International Influencers, mainly Euros, for a day of events. Those are always tiring, but amazing because you meet people from all over the world who are always super interesting. A bus picked us up from Hotel Amour and we were on our way to a private lunch.vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY401I stopped by to get Alex from his room. He was working, of course.

vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY402vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY405Sharmadean’s Nails!



Afterwards, we were given gear from Pigalle and allowed to play on the Duperre Court. It was fun, although it was rainy and slippery. So after I made my shot, I bowed out for the rest of the game.vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY406

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Afterwards, we headed to the exhibit. Needless to say, it was breath-taking. I won’t even explain it, just google it all. I’m so proud of my friend Stephane and the Pigalle Crew for making the best collaboration I’ve seen in FOREVER. Seriously. It re-invented how people see Basketball and made me wish I was a baller.
vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY408 vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY407The craze outside.

vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY417 vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY416 vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY415Tan watching the live exhibit of one on one basketball.






vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY424Awww, Pablo Attal







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After the exhibit, we got back on the bus and headed to Hotel Amour for dinner…which was lovely.

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Later we toasted some Moët in my room and headed to the after party at Folies Pigalle.

vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY436 vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY437 vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY438 vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY444Hami, Frazier & Alex Sossah

vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY443Jean Paul Paula and Me…ooh la la.

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Elle Clay, Jean Paul Paula and Me!

vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY440 vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY439 vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY445 vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY442

vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY447We danced so insanely, it was a great night!


The party was madness! So amazing! We wished the music had been slightly better, but it was cool. Then there was the after-afterparty in my hotel room, which happened by total accident. Jean Paul Paula was waiting on a taxi and well, a party happened. It was cozy, because I got to lay up in my bed the whole time.

vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY450vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY449Elle Clay mean mugging…

vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY448Tan making graffiti. 

vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY457Slumber Shot. #LastNightWasMadCozy

vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY456Girl Talk

vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY454Awww, I love Alex!


Tan and Irene…vashtie_parisbirthday_42014_DAY451Tan and Sharmadean…

Posted in BLOG, LIFE


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