Categories: BLOG

“ayo, i’m tired of using technology” – you can’t follow me on TWITTER (for now)

seriously. am i the only one?

MYSPACE was enough for me. now there’s FACEBOOK?! i started an account not too long ago, but i can only bring myself to check it once a month because its an over-stimulation to my senses. i have over 900 friend requests that have piled up since i started the account that i have yet to go through.

i get it, it’s a great tool…but, i can’t keep up with electronic conversations. there’s too much going on! i can hardly remember to lotion up my ashy hands (seriously, ask any of my friends), let alone write “25 things about me that you didn’t know”. 

my memory is that of an old mans. and now there’s TWITTER?! good grief!

serious props to those who multi-task on that technological level. i wish i could be that on point. KUNLE tried to sell me on it the other day, but i don’t know. i thought blogging was self-indulgent as is…constant updates seems a little crazed.

by the way, i’ve been informed i was on TWITTER…and i am not.  at least for now. i’m a dinosaur, what can i do?!

are you guys twerking or twittering? let me know your thoughts because i’d like to know…


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  • LMAO!! twerking aint the word,but i just made a twitter account so no one would take my name by the time i "feel" like using it.
    n i know! i had just got the hang of myspace... then ALL my friends moved on to use facebook!!fml.

  • that twitter shit is lame...some celebs have posted personal info by accident, it's just whack to me..and it's is a little much to update people about your every move..IMO

  • No vashtie don't get sucked up in that mess...but if it's beneficial for YOU then maybe, but my vote wud be keep blogging (it's better than tweetin) :-D

  • I still dont understand the purpose of Twitter. Seems almost the same as Facebook and Myspace. I still go on Myspace for the games and I use Facebook because most of my brothers are on it and I can see updated pics of my nieces and nephews so Facebook works for me too. I signed up for Twitter but have never been on it since I signed up. So nawww. I'm with you on that.

  • Im from London, UK so peeps here are not over crazy about it like you americans, i don't really ge it!!

  • Va$hite I’m like 1 of the 910 friend request you have on facebook. Goodness Grief that’s a lot to go over. That IGNORE ALL button would spare allot of time LOL. Sometimes technology becomes overwhelming. No more smoke signals, flying pigeons, pony express, and dialing Sarah to connect you to barney, now its facebook, twitter, tweets, bing, skype, and crackberrys.

  • TWITTER is a must. I was on the same side you were, but I went to the dark side. Its fun.

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