WATCH: At Home with Vashtie – Skincare Essentials

I’ve always focused on the importance of taking care of myself. From taking daily vitamins to my love affair with veggies, each day I strive to exercise habits and practices that will preserve my body and appearance.

As a girl that’s always on the go, whether it’s for work or for play, I’ve gotten a lot better at making time for all the different ways to keep my health, beauty, and wellness in check. It’s not always easy, but fortunately I’ve had help maintaining my daily and weekly routines with some amazing beauty products.

A few people have asked me what kind of regimen I use on my skin, so I decided to make a video to answer those questions. The video is packed with information, tips, and a step-by-step walk through of how each of these products play a role in my skincare routine. I’ve also included each of the products used, and links to where you can purchase them, in the description of each video.

I hope you enjoy these products as much as I do!


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