next up…NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM! in downtown ALBANY. it had everything from a ROCKWELL KENT exhibit to the history of NEW YORK, from the ice ages to present day. it was exhausting, hence the post might put you to sleep.
*MASTODON found in ALBANY over 200 years ago.
*the wax part of the museum is SCARY! this showed found skulls of old Albanians and what they ate and how they died.
*logging was a big thing back in the day upstate.
*Iriquois, native to New York State.
*questions asked at ELLIS ISLAND.
*LES. i remember looking at this photo in school and being stunned at how small the apartments were for one family…
*the actual size, laid out right here.
*you can sit on it and everything.
after the museum we were exhausted. it was so huge and i didn’t remember all the exhibits it holds. we started from the ice age and went into the museum of 9-11. mixed in were, birds of the northeast and cool jazz quilt art.
we ended the night with some fiyah CURRY CHICKEN my mom made and left for us. grocery stores closed early so we couldn’t make rice to eat with it, instead we tried it over PENNE!!! and it was actually amazing!