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a date with RAUL: dinner (SCHILLERS) and a show (MAXWELL).

i’m sure some of you may know about my amazing friend RAUL. he’s one half of the duo HOOD BY AIR and also a very very good friend. he just celebrated his birthday and what he asked for as a gift was to see MAXWELL perform live in NYC. so, i took him on a romantical evening…dinner at SCHILLERS (ugh, one of my favorites) and a show to be remembered!

*romantic setting of SCHILLERS.


*i made RAUL a card and surprised him with the tickets…


*complimentary dessert from CAM and SCHILLERS, thanks 🙂

*outside the venue…

*thanks for the tickets MAX 🙂

*this place looked like a cathedral in europe.

*MAX came out and everyone went nuts. it was pretty crazy. he looked very dapper as you can see.

*he performed the class “This Womans Work” and i think my eardrums busted after every woman screamed like banshees. it was beautiful…

*the couple in front of us at the show were getting it in and i’m sure they’ll be expecting a baby in 9 monthes.

*congrats to MAX on all of his success and the great music he continues to make. he’s seriously the nicest and most sincere gent you’ll ever meet and that’s rare these days 🙂


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  • Max is looking fyne! Love the homemade card and tix but Raul doesn't look surprised at all in the above pic. Did you change clothes afterdinner/before the show? I see you, Superwoman!

  • * Maxwell look guud. =D

    * That sign is so cute - "Come on in or smile as u pass"

    * Isnt Maxwell a mixxed kiDD like urself?!

  • i was there! LOVE that theater - my aunt got married there back in 2000 and i fell for it then. Awesome show - one of my favorite singers of all times.

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