conversations: ME and ANGELO BAQUE via googleCHAT on my VIRGIN AMERICA FLIGHT as i sit next to LINDA LOWNDES – the inventor of MICROSKIN

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*they have internet in the air. holler…

on my last flight back from LOS ANGELES to NEW YORK CITY, i sat down on my VIRGIN AMERICA seat. next to me sat a blonde woman, who looked sleepy as most of use travelers did that day. i had placed all my jewelry in my pocket to avoid having to take it off for security and was now attempting to one hand clasp my vintage CHANEL bracelet (which is not real gold and beeps when i go through the metal detector). i can usually put it on with my eyes closed, but for some reason this moment was not it. LINDA, the woman sitting next to me – volunteered her help. rather than volunteer it, she just put out her hands and helped…quite like a mom would, and a mom – she was (i would later find out).

i was thankful and surprised by her generosity, since most people are content with ignoring when strangers need help. after a few minutes we were chatting like old chums. she told me she was from BRISBANE (Australia) and invented SECOND SKIN! yes, it took me about 45 minutes to really absorb what she was saying. even after that i couldn’t keep an attention span for discussing anything else. she showed me pictures of patients in the “AFTER” stage and asked me if i could see any skin flaws in the untouched photos. as a perfectionist who seeks out flaws, i found none. when she showed the “BEFORE” pictures of the same patients with large birth marks and burn scars – i was shocked. how life changing! this invention is wildly remarkable.

SECOND SKIN! for burn victims or people with skin conditions that have to use makeup or clothing to camouflage themselves, this whole new invention is a spray that matches your own skin…and breathes and feels like skin. LINDA figured out, through a computer program (she invented), the missing pieces of the chemical makeup of your skin and then creates it in liquid form. it lasts for a few days and sheds as your own skin sheds. you can also re-apply it yourself, with no need of professional help. it’s safe and natural – just brilliant.

her name is LINDA LOWNDES. she was just so humble and normal, not a tense doctor type. she’s not even a doctor, she just studied and set out to create something that would make people feel good. that’s so amazing. we exchanged information and maybe when she comes back to NYC we’ll get to hang officially!

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