NY Times x 1992

oh my god! sunday afternoon, and i’m passed out at 1pm. i get a bbm from GABE T saying, “HOLY SH*%”!!! then he says “WAKE UP…i get the paper every morning – you should try it”. then i check my emails and i have one from BEN DETRICK with a link to the article he wrote about 1992 for the NEW YORK MOTHER EFFING TIMES!!! its been published!

it’s out and for the first time, i’m reading the paper. i’m sure i just exposed myself as a moron, but i’m an…um…artist…and i understand the world through pictures (yeah, that’s it).

just an FYI, i’m not 27 i’m actually 15 and they should have used a picture of OSCAR and I…but they’ll get it right next time when we’re on the cover 🙂

thanks to BEN for giving us the opportunity! thanks to RADIO ROSE for the champers at LOVELY DAY to celebrate! thanks to everyone who supports 1992!!!

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