LIFE: Hooping with Black Rainbow & Friends – Terminal 23 New York City’s Jordan Gym (May 2014)

vashtie_basketball_520141Back in May – I got asked to hoop with my Parisian Friends from Black Rainbow Agency, Jay & Greg, which was super fun. I never get asked to play with the boys, probably because the ones that live state-side know that I’m a dud when it comes to playing sports. I think my Parisian friends knew that too, but they were down for some fun-filled hooping. I was excited and super nervous, just because I feel like I always end up indirectly getting hurt. Anyways. It was good times. The Jordan Gym, Terminal 23, provides you with a uniform and Jordans – but, since my feets were too small I improvised and brought my own…literally
vashtie_basketball_520142 vashtie_basketball_520143 vashtie_basketball_520144 vashtie_basketball_520145The space is incroyable! These photos are not 🙁vashtie_basketball_520146

My siggy right there next to Diggy’s. vashtie_basketball_520147

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