NEWS: Complex.Com x The 50 Most Stylish Women In New York Right Now Written By Vashtie

A month ago, Complex released their list of 50 Most Stylish New Yorkers Right Now. It was interesting to say the least. It was full of mixed emotions for people; anger, excitement, ambivilence, etc…

A few weeks later, I was asked to write about my choices for the 50 Most Stylish Women in New York Right Now (I appreciate how the title of “New Yorkers” was switched to “in New York” because the ongoing debate of native New Yorkers vs people living in New York is one I like to avoid, especially as a non-native).

I was overwhelmed with excitement and honor. Complex is the center of all things cool and here I was being asked to contribute my thoughts. Not just thoughts…but my opinion on style. Not just style…stylish women. I began to be afraid, very afraid. Feelings would be hurt, debates on placement would be had, confusion on who made me the expert would arise…but that was just it – I was given the opportunity to be that voice and I couldn’t think about who would be upset…I had to do the job the best I knew how.

I spent A LOT of time on this list. Complex helped in submitting their picks (which I was allowed to delete or keep). I literally guess-timated over 60 hours spent working on it – no lie. I’m not a slow writer, I’m just a perfectionist. I researched each and every person over and over again. Perfected their write-up and then tirelessly arranged them.

At the end of it I was exhausted and prepared (as much as one could be) for the possible flack I might receive. Of course, I added myself to the list. After all, I was being asked as someone qualified to speak on style – “I should be added”, I thought.

Despite doing my very best and putting forth 1,000 percent effort to do a good job for COMPLEX, I still hold strong to the beliefs that lists and awards are cool – but, they don’t really matter much. It’s just opinion…



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