news: IT’S 2012…

If 1999 or 2000 wasn’t weird enough, here comes 2012. Like Whoa. It sounds like something out of a Sci-Fi movie. All I can think of is those videos from the 1950’s/1960’s where people projected what the future would look like; you know, everyone wearing silver and driving flying cars. I guess we are living in a technologically advanced world, not far off from a Jetson style atmosphere – that is, if the world doesn’t end.

It’s just strange how time flies. I’m wondering if time seemed slower back then because we didn’t have so many digital distractions: Email, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Blogs, Reality TV. Who knows.

I have all my resolutions ready to go for this year, what about you guys? I always save Chinese New Year as a safety if my resolutions aren’t fully in motion – you can use that secret also.

Anyways, see below for a fantastic chart on RESOLUTIONS and how 88% resolutions end in failure. Let’s not be 88%!!! OCCUPY RESOLUTIONS!!!

Posted in BLOG


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