watch: “the skinNY” (thank you @fatjew)

i feel like the life that has been sucked out of me by these wildly ridiculous “NEW YORK” shows has been handed back to me by this trailer alone.

just peeped this on BLOGUE.US

“…It is like Sex And The City with snacks, rap music, hooker jackets and of course one of Blogue’s favorite NYC kids Fat Jew, this time in drag. The press release states “the skinNY” is the story of Rachel and Joanna, two wildly self-confident girls from Orlando who move to New York to work in PR and “run this town.” They dress like it’s 2004, believe they can have any guy they want, and listen almost exclusively to Fergie. Starring Jonny Sollis and Fabrizio Goldstein (The Fat Jew). Produced by Nick Gallo from The Onion, a news satire organization…”

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