you coming tonight? (

thanks for all your support and birthday wishes. tonight is a celebration for my birth (that sounds so snobby, ha), the people i love and who love and support me. tonight will also celebrate the release of THEOPHILUS LONDON’S monster mixtape! i promise, it is unreal.

tonight – everyone is invited. eff VIP and all that jazz.

i tried my hardest to make it 18 and older, but in club world it gets tricky. i assume in todays day and age, there are “ways around it”. i mean…in my day, i never had that problem because from age 13-20 owned a copy of my sisters ID. although, I DO NOT SUGGEST you risking it.

for the under-agers and our-of-towners who read my blog and support me, i’ll tip my 40 to you!


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